
Poems are added to this page occasionally, so be sure to check back.

Morning Practice

Sit quietly.
Breathe into the day.
Chant softly.

© Linda Weber 2012

Haiku For Spring

All winter you lie
Under the ground unnoticed
Soon you will be here.
And the rains will come
Soaking the earth around you
Sweet little flower.
Spring is upon us
Worms reach for dirt filled places
Afraid to be seen.
 When the robin comes
Soggy earthworm gets eaten
Caught by early bird.
Sunshine warms the trees
Caterpillar cocooning
Slowly emerging.
You fly in my face
Pretty little butterfly

© Linda Weber 1998

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That The Good Might Live

That the good might live
That sorrow be abolished
That cruelty be denied
That tears be forever erased
That pain disappear
That strength remain
That spirit flourish
That love prevail
To smile

© Linda Weber 1975

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Vision and Visibility

The Eye
The I of it
The one that is I
The one that is all the I’s
All the I’s that see
That have vision
That are visible
We see with the I within
The One that sees all
That makes everything visible
Is itself Invisible.
To have vision
To see with the Eye
The I
To make visible the invisible
To have vision
To project the I
To make visible the One
The I
The Eye
The One.

© Linda Weber 1991

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Fall Scene

Ever so gently on gravity’s breath
A leaf floats to the ground
Achingly light in spirit and form
It touches down.

© Linda Weber 2003

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a poem is a walk in the woods
wild and free
a cry of wonder
like wind in a tree
a poem is a tomb
it is a birthing room
a moan
a slide into oblivion
a beggar on the street
a pile of puffery to eat
a poem transfixes your gaze
it melts your frets away

© Linda Weber 2007

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if I were perfectly in tune
with how the earth and sun and moon
maintain the rhythm of the dance
with very little left to chance
my days would flow like air on ocean
with little fear and no commotion
the tide would turn from hour to hour
neglecting none and giving power
to all that is and ever was
to what is written in the stars.

© Linda Weber 2000

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Red Diaper Baby


On top of your shoulders
I ride, high above
the sandy beach and the
big waves that splash
and crash unceasingly,
Me five years old, you
in your thirties.
Your way with me was
lighthearted and you
were so strong, you
could carry me
around on your
shoulders and
I wasn’t heavy!


I could not know what
heaviness was breaking
on the shores of your heart
and Mom’s,
what ugliness you would
have to overcome,
how your mind would strain
to comprehend
the vast wasteland of
ignorance that stretched
from sea to shining sea.
You could not possibly have
foreseen what was
coming because it was
unimaginable and
unjust, too
for a person who
dreamed of a
better world
a better time
of peace and
justice for all people,
who believed in the
Living Earth
in keeping alive
the beauty of
human creation.


You were silenced by
those who would keep
us in darkness, who
themselves know
only the dark and
who revel in sinister
conspiracy against
the very things they
purport to defend.


I’m still riding on your
shoulders, still
seeing from high places
that show me the
lay of the land, still
supported in
my fifties by your
solid loving ways, still
growing in an
ever enlarging swell
of gratitude for what you
have given me just
by being yourself, by
moving in the world
with passion and an
exquisite sense of
decency, riding the
waves of hope that
give us all ourselves.


So thank you for taking
me there, for
standing at the
water’s edge with
me perched on top
surveying the shiny
ocean spread out
in front of us, seeing
the wondrousness
of Creation and the
possibilities that
are present
for all time.

© Linda Weber 1998

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