Life Choices book

Linda was a pregnancy and abortion counselor and trainer of counselors for the first half of her forty year counseling career. She is one of the founders of Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center, a women’s health clinic in Boulder, CO. In the fall of 2011, her book, Life Choices: The Teachings of Abortion, was published by Sentient Publications. It is the culmination of her thinking about the importance and value of women’s lives with regard to pregnancy choices.

The book points us towards understanding that there is a new consciousness birthing itself on planet earth—an awareness that supports conscious living, which means conscious choice-making. A challenging issue like abortion brings this reality to bear on everyday life. The book is an exploration of spiritual, historical, and psychological encounters with complex and sometimes paradoxical questions about how we can learn from abortion.

Click here to buy the book.

Click here to watch an interview with Linda.

Click here for counseling information.